- Title: JapanHDV - Mako Saeki 【& Her Manager Escape 2 A Love Hotel 2 Cheat】 - Synopsis: Mako Saeki & the manager of her company arrive late at the hotel. They’ve been working all day in the office, & he’s flirting with her the whole day. She has loved the attention, but all this flirting with her has made her horny, & all she wants to do when they finish work is find somewhere nearby that they can go to enjoy each other a bit more. They have a secret relationship, as no one in the office can know that a manager is fucking 1 of the employees. But they can’t help each other, as they work so closely together & have a strong attraction to each other. So, since they are both adults, they decide to indulge their sexual desires & head to the nearest Love Hotel in Tokyo & explore each other’s bodies. Mako Saeki is a very sexual lady, & when she wants something... She’ll get it. In this case, what she wants is the cock of her manager plunging deep into her pussy. But her manager isn’t single like she is, he’s married & has a family. But for this late night love, they forget about all that & just indulge in some hardcore fucking. As soon as the hotel door is closed, they go after each other almost tearing their clothes off just to get at each other. They’re both hungry for each other, & all they want to do is get naked & explore each other. This is 1 exciting hotel visit for these 2 lovers, & Mako Saeki really got the dicking that she deserved.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Mako Saeki 【& Her Manager Escape 2 A Love Hotel 2 Cheat】
- Synopsis: Mako Saeki & the manager of her company arrive late at the hotel. They’ve been working all day in the office, & he’s flirting with her the whole day. She has loved the attention, but all this flirting with her has made her horny, & all she wants to do when they finish work is find somewhere nearby that they can go to enjoy each other a bit more. They have a secret relationship, as no one in the office can know that a manager is fucking 1 of the employees. But they can’t help each other, as they work so closely together & have a strong attraction to each other. So, since they are both adults, they decide to indulge their sexual desires & head to the nearest Love Hotel in Tokyo & explore each other’s bodies. Mako Saeki is a very sexual lady, & when she wants something... She’ll get it. In this case, what she wants is the cock of her manager plunging deep into her pussy. But her manager isn’t single like she is, he’s married & has a family. But for this late night love, they forget about all that & just indulge in some hardcore fucking. As soon as the hotel door is closed, they go after each other almost tearing their clothes off just to get at each other. They’re both hungry for each other, & all they want to do is get naked & explore each other. This is 1 exciting hotel visit for these 2 lovers, & Mako Saeki really got the dicking that she deserved.