What is so funny? This is what I think. "Chan!" Step up niggah, you started it. Had to swipe my picture of my red RSX." : this is for this skurrd'd fake as friend. --> devil: The devil/Chan/:Lucfir is a bitch. The Bible was right. He comes like a thief stealing my ideas and to destroy me without stepping up to be even though he is much bigger. You' a punk. you cant run forever. Whats mine will return to me. if i still want it. That you stole will be your 1 and only. But I can always make more. One day when you want something so bad an come close to steal it. I catch you and fuck you up, down, over, under, sideways and any which way I like. I bet you are dripping wet already. Fuk u
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What is so funny? This is what I think. "Chan!" Step up niggah, you started it. Had to swipe my picture of my red RSX." :
this is for this skurrd'd fake as friend. --> devil: The devil/Chan/:Lucfir is a bitch. The Bible was right. He comes like a thief stealing my ideas and to destroy me without stepping up to be even though he is much bigger. You' a punk. you cant run forever. Whats mine will return to me. if i still want it. That you stole will be your 1 and only. But I can always make more. One day when you want something so bad an come close to steal it. I catch you and fuck you up, down, over, under, sideways and any which way I like. I bet you are dripping wet already. Fuk u