- Title: StepDad Catches Her Masturbating - Synopsis: Braylin Bailey is completely embarrassed; She’s in mid-masturbation, & her StepDad (A.K.A Charles) walks into her Rm to see everything. Charles tries to make light of the situation, & mentions she isn’t alone, he masturbates too... When Braylin Bailey jumps on the opportunity letting him know she would like to watch that. Charles is caught off guard, but when U have a bangin’ blonde with a body like that... He’d be stupid to resist.
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- Title: StepDad Catches Her Masturbating
- Synopsis: Braylin Bailey is completely embarrassed; She’s in mid-masturbation, & her StepDad (A.K.A Charles) walks into her Rm to see everything. Charles tries to make light of the situation, & mentions she isn’t alone, he masturbates too... When Braylin Bailey jumps on the opportunity letting him know she would like to watch that. Charles is caught off guard, but when U have a bangin’ blonde with a body like that... He’d be stupid to resist.