typical situation that could happen in real life... she has just cheated on her husband and has the courage to say in an accusatory and reproachful way "are you cheating on me?" then at 4.30, I understood that the rest of this story would become boring and redundant...because if even missax, starts to do cuckolding content, porn is really heading towards its doom... bruh...aside the repressed homosexuals and the twisted incels, I don't see what type of people can masturbate and be turned on by this kind of content.
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typical situation that could happen in real life... she has just cheated on her husband and has the courage to say in an accusatory and reproachful way "are you cheating on me?" then at 4.30, I understood that the rest of this story would become boring and redundant...because if even missax, starts to do cuckolding content, porn is really heading towards its doom... bruh...aside the repressed homosexuals and the twisted incels, I don't see what type of people can masturbate and be turned on by this kind of content.