when you allow this to your wife either you no longer give a damn about your wife and in any case you no longer intend to touch her or sleep in the same bed as her, and you just want to go fuck other women without risking losing half of your assets in a divorce. either you are a eunuch, you no longer give a damn about your wife and in any case you no longer plan to touch her or sleep in the same bed as her, and you don't want to risk losing half of your property in a divorce.
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when you allow this to your wife either you no longer give a damn about your wife and in any case you no longer intend to touch her or sleep in the same bed as her, and you just want to go fuck other women without risking losing half of your assets in a divorce.
either you are a eunuch, you no longer give a damn about your wife and in any case you no longer plan to touch her or sleep in the same bed as her, and you don't want to risk losing half of your property in a divorce.