- Title: FamilyStrokes - Anna Kolba, Asteria Jade, & Cherry Gwendolyn 【Virgin Sacrifice】 - Synopsis: Cherry Gwendolyn is surprised when she receives an invitation from her StepFamily. She barely has any relationship W. them, yet they have invited her to their place on “All Hallows’ Eve”... Curious, Cherry Gwendolyn arrives at their place, & quickly notices their behavior is stranger than she recalls. Cherry Gwendolyn has also been struggling to make ends meet lately, so her StepFamily (A.K.A. Anna Kolba & Asteria Jade) invites her to stay at their place for a while. They make her wear a more comfortable outfit, & take her to the Rm... Where she stumbles upon a magical book that outlines a satanic ritual. While she's engrossed in the book, her StepCousin (A.K.A. Asteria Jade) makes a move on her, & instantly seduces her. After a scorching encounter W. her StepCousin (A.K.A. Cherry Gwendolyn) understands what’s going on. She’s about to uncover the StepFamily’s dark secret: They worship a sinister deity who grants power in return for virgins, & Cherry Gwendolyn is their next victim!!...
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- Title: FamilyStrokes - Anna Kolba, Asteria Jade, & Cherry Gwendolyn 【Virgin Sacrifice】
- Synopsis: Cherry Gwendolyn is surprised when she receives an invitation from her StepFamily. She barely has any relationship W. them, yet they have invited her to their place on “All Hallows’ Eve”... Curious, Cherry Gwendolyn arrives at their place, & quickly notices their behavior is stranger than she recalls. Cherry Gwendolyn has also been struggling to make ends meet lately, so her StepFamily (A.K.A. Anna Kolba & Asteria Jade) invites her to stay at their place for a while. They make her wear a more comfortable outfit, & take her to the Rm... Where she stumbles upon a magical book that outlines a satanic ritual. While she's engrossed in the book, her StepCousin (A.K.A. Asteria Jade) makes a move on her, & instantly seduces her. After a scorching encounter W. her StepCousin (A.K.A. Cherry Gwendolyn) understands what’s going on. She’s about to uncover the StepFamily’s dark secret: They worship a sinister deity who grants power in return for virgins, & Cherry Gwendolyn is their next victim!!...