- Title: PervMom - Katrina Colt 【Let’s Finish U Off】 - Synopsis: Ever since what happened this morning, I can’t stop thinking about my StepMom (A.K.A. Katrina Colt) in a sinful way. She just finished reading this book that’s supposed to teach her how to be “A Better Mom”, so now she thinks I need to go out more & socialize, & even forced me to take a Thanksgiving trip W. her. Yesterday, for example... I told her that I just wanted to be in the Hotel Rm: Watching some porn & jerking-off... So trying to be the “Best Mom Of The Yr.”... She offered to help me W. that. I was in shock. Of course, I still let her do it... She’s a MILF, & her hand felt amazing on my dick. The problem is that now that I’ve seen her in that way, my body needs more, & I won’t rest until I’m inside her. Considering that we need to share a bed for the entire trip & how sexy the lingerie she’s wearing to sleep is, I don’t think it’ll be hard getting everything out of my system. This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever!!...
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- Title: PervMom - Katrina Colt 【Let’s Finish U Off】
- Synopsis: Ever since what happened this morning, I can’t stop thinking about my StepMom (A.K.A. Katrina Colt) in a sinful way. She just finished reading this book that’s supposed to teach her how to be “A Better Mom”, so now she thinks I need to go out more & socialize, & even forced me to take a Thanksgiving trip W. her. Yesterday, for example... I told her that I just wanted to be in the Hotel Rm: Watching some porn & jerking-off... So trying to be the “Best Mom Of The Yr.”... She offered to help me W. that. I was in shock. Of course, I still let her do it... She’s a MILF, & her hand felt amazing on my dick. The problem is that now that I’ve seen her in that way, my body needs more, & I won’t rest until I’m inside her. Considering that we need to share a bed for the entire trip & how sexy the lingerie she’s wearing to sleep is, I don’t think it’ll be hard getting everything out of my system. This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever!!...