- Title: FamilyStrokes - Elizabeth Skylar & Sky Wonderland 【They’re Dreaming Of A White Christmas】 - Synopsis: U won’t believe this, but I just caught my StepSister (A.K.A. Sky Wonderland) & my StepMom (A.K.A. Elizabeth Skylar) being fucking FREAKS in the Living Rm. There’s some weird sex machine under the tree this Yr., & I walked into the Living Rm. & caught my StepSister using the toy on herself!!... Even more fucked up, my StepMom had used it 1st, & was behind the tree watching my StepSis play W. herself. This is all sorts of crazy, but I guess the holiday season will do that to U... Things got even weirder when it turned into an All-Out, Balls-2-The-Wall fuckfest!!... I know I shouldn’t fuck my StepSister & my StepMom, but with how wet & horny they R... my dick was throbbing from the start - How could I resist this Once-In-A-Lifetime opportunity?!...
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- Title: FamilyStrokes - Elizabeth Skylar & Sky Wonderland 【They’re Dreaming Of A White Christmas】
- Synopsis: U won’t believe this, but I just caught my StepSister (A.K.A. Sky Wonderland) & my StepMom (A.K.A. Elizabeth Skylar) being fucking FREAKS in the Living Rm. There’s some weird sex machine under the tree this Yr., & I walked into the Living Rm. & caught my StepSister using the toy on herself!!... Even more fucked up, my StepMom had used it 1st, & was behind the tree watching my StepSis play W. herself. This is all sorts of crazy, but I guess the holiday season will do that to U... Things got even weirder when it turned into an All-Out, Balls-2-The-Wall fuckfest!!... I know I shouldn’t fuck my StepSister & my StepMom, but with how wet & horny they R... my dick was throbbing from the start - How could I resist this Once-In-A-Lifetime opportunity?!...