- Title: PervNana - Syren DeMer 【Making Nana Cum Is A FT-Job】 - Synopsis: Nana (A.K.A. Syren DeMer) notices her StepGrandSon (A.K.A. Tyler) arriving home W. a long face. Concerned, she tries to comfort him by asking what’s going on. Tyler has just been fired from his job & he’s worried about the money, but Nana won’t let her favorite young man suffer, so she offers him some extra money in exchange for small favors around the house. Syren DeMer is frisky & needs to cum as often as possible, so Tyler’s 1st task is to help the poor lady have an orgasm. Tyler’s magic fingers do the trick, & Nana climaxes quickly... Making her realize how talented her favorite StepGrandSon is. Tyler has some debts to pay, & Nana is happy to help him cancel them, but now that she knows what Tyler’s kinky fingers can do... She’s curious about what Tyler’s lustful mouth & prick R capable of. Money won’t ever be a problem for him again, as long as he keeps Nana’s pussy wet & stuffed!!...
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- Title: PervNana - Syren DeMer 【Making Nana Cum Is A FT-Job】
- Synopsis: Nana (A.K.A. Syren DeMer) notices her StepGrandSon (A.K.A. Tyler) arriving home W. a long face. Concerned, she tries to comfort him by asking what’s going on. Tyler has just been fired from his job & he’s worried about the money, but Nana won’t let her favorite young man suffer, so she offers him some extra money in exchange for small favors around the house. Syren DeMer is frisky & needs to cum as often as possible, so Tyler’s 1st task is to help the poor lady have an orgasm. Tyler’s magic fingers do the trick, & Nana climaxes quickly... Making her realize how talented her favorite StepGrandSon is. Tyler has some debts to pay, & Nana is happy to help him cancel them, but now that she knows what Tyler’s kinky fingers can do... She’s curious about what Tyler’s lustful mouth & prick R capable of. Money won’t ever be a problem for him again, as long as he keeps Nana’s pussy wet & stuffed!!...