- Title: MomWants2Breed - Gigi Dior 【Spring Is Breeding Season】 - Synopsis: Gigi Dior can’t wait to breed, & her StepSon (A.K.A. Parker Ambrose) is the perfect candidate. She points out to Parker that it’s breeding season. If he helps Gigi Dior garden, she’ll let him breed her!!... The watering can leaked all over Gigi Dior, so she asks Parker for a towel & then help drying her jugs off. She offers to let Parker see & then squeeze her titties. Then, Gigi Dior spells out exactly what’s going to happen: She’s going to blow Parker’s cock, & then fuck him until he breeds her!!... True to her word, Gigi Dior sinks to a crouch & sucks Parker like a champ. Then, she gets up & tugs her little shorts off, so she can lean over the side table & get dicked down from behind. Laying Parker down, Gigi Dior rides her StepSon W. her big 1’s bouncing. They finish W. Gigi Dior on the table, spreading herself wide open & urging Parker to breed her W. a big creampie!!...
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- Title: MomWants2Breed - Gigi Dior 【Spring Is Breeding Season】
- Synopsis: Gigi Dior can’t wait to breed, & her StepSon (A.K.A. Parker Ambrose) is the perfect candidate. She points out to Parker that it’s breeding season. If he helps Gigi Dior garden, she’ll let him breed her!!... The watering can leaked all over Gigi Dior, so she asks Parker for a towel & then help drying her jugs off. She offers to let Parker see & then squeeze her titties. Then, Gigi Dior spells out exactly what’s going to happen: She’s going to blow Parker’s cock, & then fuck him until he breeds her!!... True to her word, Gigi Dior sinks to a crouch & sucks Parker like a champ. Then, she gets up & tugs her little shorts off, so she can lean over the side table & get dicked down from behind. Laying Parker down, Gigi Dior rides her StepSon W. her big 1’s bouncing. They finish W. Gigi Dior on the table, spreading herself wide open & urging Parker to breed her W. a big creampie!!...